Summary of the International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP 2016)
Marco Kuhrmann, Rory V. O’Connor, Dewayne E. Perry, David Raffo
Published in ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, September 2016, Volume 41, Number 5.
The International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP), continuing the success of Software Process Workshop (SPW), the Software Process Modeling and Simulation Workshop (ProSim) and the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP) conference series, has become the established premier event in the field of software and systems engineering processes. It provides a leading forum for the exchange of research outcomes and industrial best-practices in process development from software and systems disciplines. ICSSP 2016 was held in Austin, Texas, from 14-15 May 2016, co-located with the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). The theme of ICSSP 2016 was studying “Process(es) in Action” by recognizing that the AS-Planned and AS-Practiced processes can be quite different in many ways including their flows, their complexity and the evolving needs of stakeholders. Papers presented at ICSSP discussed this issue addressing different domains, providing concepts, evidence, and experiences.